October 16, 2017

From the Mouths Of Babes

Most fall and winter mornings, as the weather gets a little colder and walking to school would be a bit too chilly, I have the opportunity to take a 3 min or so drive with my middle son, Carter, to school.  This is always a highlight of my day, as it is anytime I get a short window of one on one time with any of my kids.  Carter and I usually share a few stories and he tells me about the latest happenings at school or the “coolest” new level he conquered on a video game.  After the chit chat, I always ask him for three things he is going to do/focus on for the day.  Standards on the list are usually to have fun, learn a lot, be awesome, etc.  The last several days I have made him “give me something new”. While thinking for a bit he gives me a couple good ones and then says, “Dad, can I give you a quote?”  I say sure bud and he proceeds to give me, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”  “That one I picked out and put on my desk”, he said, “It’s by Albert Einstein.” 

This one got me thinking about our business and the successful advisors I have had the opportunity to learn from. All of them have said to me, at one point or another, the money will come, just go serve your clients. The goal is to become the most valuable resource in their life, and the rest will take care of itself.

So that is my goal for this week, to challenge myself to become more valuable to each and every person I come in contact with.  As it says in the bible, “The greatest among you must be a servant.”